Lab 10 Planning web project.
The purpose of this lab is for you to start thinking about your final project and to begin collecting written, visual, and other multimedia materials for your final project.
This lab assignment "Planning Web Project" may be hand written and sketched.
With any large project, planning is important. Therefore, some preliminary planning is necessary before starting your final project.
The subject and content of your web site is of your choosing. Please use good taste and judgment. The site must have a "G" rating. You will be showing your finished web project to the rest of the class. Suggestions for a subject are a hobbies, sports, activities, businesses (real or made up), clubs, etc.
Based upon the plan that you laid out last week, your site must contain at least 5 pages.
To navigate from one page to another, you will need a menu system. A web site looks professional if the menu is in a vertical or horizontal arrangement. Most web sites place the menu on the same place of each page so that it is easy for the end user to figure out the navigation structure of your site.
All the pages in the site should have the same basic "look and feel" so that the site looks whole, complete, and professional. Same "look and feel" means that in general, fonts, colors, layouts, etc, look similar and contiguous between all the pages on the site.
Use the guidelines learned in this past week's lesson material regarding accessibility. This includes both accessibility guidelines for the physically disabled as well as usability guidelines for the general population.
For each individual page that comprises the web site:
- Hand sketch the overall layout of the page
- Describe what the content for each page will be.
- Sketch where the images, tables, lists, etc. will be on the page.
- Show the links on the page and where they link to.
- Describe how you are going to use techniques you learned in class to do your site.
Turning in your assignment:
- Make a photo copy of your assignment. You keep the original, your instructor gets the copy.
- Staple or use a paper clip to keep your assignment together.
- Write your name on the top page.
- Turn it in to your Instructor.
Grading Criteria |
10 |
10 |
At least 5 pages of content described. |
5 |
5 |
Navigation structure clear and consistent. |
2 |
2 |
Techniques learned in class are used. |
3 |
3 |