Welcome to the Bits N Bytes web site.
To do this lab you may start with the "mini" site that you worked
on previously. Be sure you make a copy of the original. This will
be "lab3".
Alternatively, you may start a whole new "mini" site. The choice
is yours.
Create at least four subdirectories in your project. The purpose of the subdirectories to to separate the content of the web site into logical areas. In many cases, as in this instance, it will be one subdirectory for each page.
Create some sort of image
map of your choice that will take a user to another page.
I created one that could be used to navigate.
After you have created all your pages, link them together with a simple navigation
menu using flash
text. Below is an example.
Create a secondary navigation system using flash
buttons. Actually I created two systems. I have tabs on the
top of the pages and arrows at the bottom of the pages.