MMDT1144 Multimedia and the Web
Week 11

Week 11

General notes - Clean up your code.  Professional appearance and ease of maintainability.

  • Apply Source Formatting (I made a shortcut of Ctrl+F11)
  • Clean Up HTML F11
  • Check Spelling  Shift+F7
  • Test! Test! Test!

Domain name registration.

Information on domain name registration.

Web site hosting.

Information on web site hosting.

In class exercise.

Explore all the features of cPanel on each student's account.

The rest of the class period is open lab to ask the instructor questions.

Lab Final web project.

The purpose of this lab is for you to demonstrate your ability to create a website that contains various concepts that were learned throughout the course.

The basis for this assignment will come from the previous assignment, Lab 10, "Planning Web Project".

The final web site project must be a direct implementation of your previous assignment.  Additional material and minor changes are acceptable.  Topic changes or major redesigns are discouraged.  If you have not yet completed Lab 10, do it now.

The subject and content of your web site is of your choosing.  Please use good taste and judgment.  The site must have a "G" rating   You will be showing your finished web project to the rest of the class.  Suggestions for a subject are a hobbies, sports, activities, businesses (real or made up), clubs, etc.

Based upon the plan that provided in Lab 10, your site must contain at least 5 pages.  Database results do not count as a page.

Have your name in the title of the first page, or have your name in comments somewhere at the beginning of the html code of the first page.

All the pages in the site should have the same basic "look and feel" so that the site looks whole, complete, and professional.  Same "look and feel" means that in general, fonts, colors, layouts, etc, look similar and contiguous between all the pages on the site.

To navigate from one page to another, you will need a menu system. A web site looks professional if the menu is in a vertical or horizontal arrangement.  Most web sites place the menu on the same place of each page so that it is easy for the end user to figure out the navigation structure of your site.

Make sure your site looks good at various resolutions.  Make sure your web site displays properly at an 1024 X 768 pixel resolution.  You can do this by resizing your browser window or changing the screen resolution of your computer for testing.

All of your html and image files must be organized.   You must have subfolders under the project folder for organizational purposes.  Only files that are used in the web site itself should be on your server.  There should be no extraneous files that are not used in your web site in your project or on the server.  Examples would be the original Adobe Photoshop files, Adobe Illustrator files, or any intermediate files or temporary files.  These original artwork files you want to save and archive, but not in your project or on the server.

Use the guidelines learned in this course regarding accessibility.  This includes both accessibility guidelines for the physically disabled as well as usability guidelines for the general population.  Remember to use the "alt" attribute on all images.

Test, Test, Test!  Try everything on your website thoroughly.  Test with Internet Explorer and Netscape Communicator on other computers before presenting to the class.  Do a spell check of every page on your site.

Things to keep in mind:

  • This web project is your final exam!
  • Spend the time necessary to do a great job and to have a professional looking site.
  • Consistent look and feel across the site. 
  • Use your creative skills. 
  • You may wish to incorporate graphics that you created in your other classes.
  • Test your site thoroughly in both Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari, and Chrome.
  • This may be a project that you want to include in your portfolio.
  • And most of all...  have fun!

Turning in your assignment:

  • Publish your final project in a folder named "final"on the class web server.
  • In addition, you may also publish your final on an web server of your choosing.
Criteria Possible
Finished web site is an implementation of  Lab 10, "Planning Web Project". 2  
Consistent look and feel across the site. 2  
Navigation structure clear and consistent. 3  
Site views properly at various resolutions. (1024 horiz) 2  
Site views properly in Internet Explorer 7+, Firefox 3.5+, and Safari 4+, Google Chrome. 5  
Site has no broken links or missing images. 4  
Correct spelling throughout the site. 4  
Subfolders used for organization 2  
Entire site is XHTML compliant. (no coding errors) 2  
HTML code is clean and indented. (code view) 4  
Page 1 content and professional appearance. 3  
Page 2 content and professional appearance. 3  
Page 3 content and professional appearance. 3  
Page 4 content and professional appearance. 3  
Page 5 content and professional appearance. 3  
Presentation of web site to class. 5  
Penalty for late submission is 5% per day.
For late assignment submissions, it is the student's responsibility to notify the instructor via email that the assignment is ready for grading.